Does it require professional installation? No. All you need to do is plug it into an electrical outlet. Some third-party sensors like smoke detectors might require non-professional assistance (family member or friend) to place on the wall or ceiling. Does my loved one need to configure it in any way? The unit is configured remotely by either a family member or caregiver. How do peripherals get paired with the ONKÖL unit? Peripherals are paired from the user website. All you need to do is press the appropriate pairing button on the peripheral device when prompted by the ONKÖL unit...
Lose The Cloud, Gain A Family
From the start, ONKÖL has been designed to be different. On the outside, we specifically designed ONKÖL so that it looked like a high end piece of audio equipment, or about as far from medical as you can get. Although our design sessions were a blast, getting the outside design just right took a lot of long hours with mechanical, electrical, and human interface engineers. But the level of innovation on the outside pales in comparison to what we’ve done on the inside. We’ve spent the last year gathering customer feedback on our first production units, and based upon that, we added new features, deprecated some others and — most importantly — confirmed what intuitively knew to be true: our clients want to own their data...
ONKÖL Earns Awards, Rave Reviews at CES
The 5 Factors That Will Drive Smart Home Adoption
At ONKÖL, we talk a lot about the "coming tsunami of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors" in both the Home and Health monitoring areas. The folks at StrategyEye Digital Media wrote a nice bit about what will drive Smart Home adoption. h/t to Larry Lisser for pointing this one out.