Does it require professional installation?
No. All you need to do is plug it into an electrical outlet. Some third-party sensors like smoke detectors might require non-professional assistance (family member or friend) to place on the wall or ceiling.
Does my loved one need to configure it in any way?
The unit is configured remotely by either a family member or caregiver.
How do peripherals get paired with the ONKÖL unit?
Peripherals are paired from the user website. All you need to do is press the appropriate pairing button on the peripheral device when prompted by the ONKÖL unit.
What kind of devices can ONKÖL connect to?
ONKÖL can connect to devices that are using Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, Zigbee, LandLine and SubGHz technologies and using industry-standard formats. We will have a list of “ONKOL approved” home health and home monitoring devices listed on our website and they will continue to grow.
Do I need Wifi?
ONKÖL is fully cellular so if you have a good cell signal, that is all you need.
Do I need a landline?
In order to have the caller ID functionality, a landline is needed.
If I have an emergency, will the paramedics come and knock my door down?
If you press your emergency pendant, your “circle of care” such as your children or caregivers, will be contacted first so they can decide what the next action should be. This will reduce the chances of false alarms or unneeded visits by emergency personnel.
Does it offer reminders so I don’t forget to take medication or miss appointments?
Yes. ONKÖL can be configured for whatever reminders you need. The unit will verbally and visually remind you when you want it to.
*What if certain people in my “circle of care” do not want all of the notifications? I don’t want to be a “bother”. *
ONKÖL can be configured in many ways. Only the people who want information will get it. Those who don’t, won’t. The information can be sent as much or as little as designated by the administrator of the account.
Why is ONKÖL so pretty?
We are glad you noticed! We want ONKÖL to be accepted into your home, not just tolerated. You deserve a simple, elegant way to communicate with loved ones. Not an ugly medicinal device that screams “I need help” to anyone who comes to visit.
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